Recommended for ages 8–12
What you will need:
- A small area of clear wall with some space in front of it, to set up your filming device
- Phone/ tablet/ laptop
- Paper (about 20 sheets)
- Card (cereal boxes are perfect!)
- Colourful drawing pencils/ pens/ pastels
- Shiny scraps (kitchen foil/ sweet wrappers etc.)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Blue tack
- Tape
Alongside the piece It’s All Over But the Dreaming presented as part of our August offering, artist Tamara MacArthur has created a special DIY Art activity which invites you to imagine your own dream world, and turn it into a paper theatre set at home. You can find costumes for your characters using everyday things from around the house. Then, using a filming device like a phone or laptop, you can create your own show.
Watch your magical dream world become a reality!